Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Wow! TV Land is...

TV Land just got weirder. They've acquired the rights to air Extreme Makeover: Home Edition on Tuesdays at 11 PM Eastern. Um... EM:HE?!?! This is up there with airing a TV Land commercial telling me to embrace my favorites by including Cheers clips. TV Land hasn't shown Cheers for awhile though...

Just when I thought this network would stay close to their roots, they become Nick at Nite all over again!

I'm sick of Fresh Prince because they air it WAY too much. I think it's safe to say that Nick at Nite is the Fresh Prince, Roseanne, Cosby Show network. It's all I ever see on there! Ick!

Friday, June 01, 2007

At least there's a marathon

I have a strange feeling that there isn't a Cheers reunion yet due to Kirstie Alley not wanting to reprise her role as Rebecca Howe. Or... Frasier hasn't been off the air long enough...

I think I have the solution. Either they kill Rebecca off or she's in Europe or some place overseas. She's not that huge of an asset to Cheers. Kirstie Alley doesn't realize her career took off because of Cheers. It's a shame.

For the love of... I'm begging you! One Cheers reunion movie with a happy ending for Sam and Diane. Please? Even with no happy ending between the two, I'd watch it!

GSN has a tribute to Charles Nelson Reilly tomorrow from 9 AM - 7 PM Eastern time of Match Game. 10 hours of the best of CNR on Match Game makes Saturday the day to stay in and just watch TV!